AMS B1x-SAx for active energy measuring, with mechanical register
Single-phase static electricity meters AMS B1x-SAx are determined for direct and indirect measurement of active energy displaying value on mechanical register with stepping motor. In the case of CT (current transformer) operated meters (x/5A) it is necessary value of register to multiply by the current transformer ratio.
The test pulses indicated by red LED are proportional to the consumed energy. Measurement „using an unidirectional mechanical register“ provides positive energy measurement even if the reverse energy flow.
AMS B2x-Fx for active, reactive and apparent energy, multirate, with RTC and data profiles
Single-phase static electricity meters AMS B2x-Fx are determined for measurement of active, reactive and apparent energy, instantaneous active, reactive and apparent maximum demand, voltage, current and P.F. in 2-wire networks in direct connection. They enable measurement of energy in rates controlled by internal clock (up to 4 rates) or externally controlled in two rates.
The measured values stored in registers according to the OBIS codes are displayed on LCD in cyclic or stepping mode. The electricity meters can be parametrized and readout by using optical probe AMOS type and software supplied by the manufacturer. The testing pulses are signalling by a red LEDs separately for active and reactive energy. The meters can be produced in version with measurement in summary mode (unidirectional register) or with measurement in separation mode (consumption – supply).
AMS B3x-FA1SDT4 for active energy, with RTC
Single-phase static electricity meters AMS B3x-FA1SDT4 are determined for measurement of active energy, instantaneous active power, voltage, current and power factor in single-phase 2-wire network in direct connection.
They enable record of the selected energy registers contents (total and rate) for billing period (max. 15 records). The electricity meters are equipped with internal real time clock (RTC) which is used for switching of maximum four rates. It is also possible to record events, such as, for example, voltage outage, terminal block cover removal, meter cover removal and magnetic field influence. They enable record of load profiles.
Software for readout and parametrization AMsoft
The program is designed for static meters operation either with simple registers or with smart, programmable functions. For programming there are used PCs (the ports COM, USB), where the communication interfaces are connected for performance of serial two-way communication in accordance with IEC/EN 62056-21.